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2019 Class of Inductees

Click on the inductees' photos to learn more about their New Milford High School achievements.

sam blackman '56.jpg

Sam Blackman

laurie center '75.jpg

Laurie Center

tom ferrell '06.jpg

Tom Ferrell

donna maruszak roberts '81.jpg

Donna Maruszak Roberts

john bucinsley '67.jpg

John Bucinsley

emma crowcroft '09.jpg
danielle gasser '08.jpg

Emma Crowcroft

Danielle Gasser

eric muttilainen '83.jpg

Eric Muttilainen

betty carter '67.jpg

Betty Carter

devon dobson '07.jpg

Devon Dobson

jack lavalette '87.jpg

Jack Lavalette

margo maytham '83.jpg

Margo Maytham Muttilainen

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